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Emotional Intelligence & Astrology


Emotional intelligence (Heart and brain connected)

The emotional part of our personality is often overlooked in a world focusing on success and outward achievements. It is usually considered insignificant or relevant only to personal and family life. Studies, however, have recently shown that IQ hasn’t been a reliable indicator of success. These studies revealed that people with lower IQs tended to outperform those with higher ones.

Such considerations started taking other parameters into account, and in particular, the way people handle their emotions. This led to the creation of the Emotional Quotient as a way to measure emotional intelligence. The EQ is used to measure how well we can manage our emotions. A high EQ has proven to be a more successful indicator of success, both professionally and socially.

Emotional indicator in astrology

In Astrology, the main indicator of emotional intelligence is the Moon. In the astrological personality theory, the Moon is almost as important as the Sun. I would dare to say that it can be more significant in some cases because its position is more personal than the Sun's. This is because the Moon changes signs every 2 ½ days and makes a difference even if people are born a few hours apart. On the other hand the Sun changes signs every 30 days, and so people born within a month share the same Sun sign, while people born some days apart also have similar aspects to the Sun.   

What is emotional intelligence?

Before looking at the astrological indications, it is necessary to define emotional intelligence. It sounds as if we can intuitively understand what emotional intelligence is, but do we truly know what exactly it is about?

Emotional intelligence can be summarized into the following categories:

  • Awareness of emotions, the ability to understand them, to define them

  • Understanding the origin of emotions and what triggers them.

  • The effective management of emotions.

  • Understanding how environmental factors influence our emotions.    

  • Being able to use our emotions as a motivational power or a creative force.

  • Understanding how our emotions influence our relationships and being empathetic.

How can astrology help us with understanding emotional intelligence?

In astrology we use the Moon’s positions, along with some other elements of the chart, to learn more about our emotional tendencies. This can, first of all, help us with the first important step, the one of awareness, which enables us to understand the emotional part of our personality better.

The Moon can also give us hints of what helps or hinders the management of our emotions. We can use it to find out the underlying causes of emotional reactions and what triggers them. Besides this, we can find ways through the astrological symbolism, to use emotions positively and constructively.

Last but not least, as emotions tend to influence our relationships profoundly, we can see how this part of our personality affects our relationships and how we can better express ourselves, an important step to improve our relationships.

A graph with emotional intelligence and what is its application in our life.


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